Beyond Calcium
The secrets to building and maintaining strong bones
Service Description
You're probably aware that your bones are at their strongest and healthiest in your mid-20s, but did you know that there are multiple natural ways to build strong bones even for women over 40? Having better bone density is linked to a longer lifespan, better hormone levels, a better metabolism, and slows down the aging process. In addition, we can feel stronger in body and mind when we are taking great care of our bones. In this workshop with Dr. Amanda Tracy, ND, you will learn why your bones change as you age and what you can do to counteract this process. You'll also learn about the factors you can add to your regimen to maintain healthy bones: -the importance of hormone balance before & after menopause -how to use nutrition to support bone growth -herbal remedies and natural supplements to build bone There will be time for Q & A and those who register will have access to a recording of the workshop. The information Dr. Tracy has to share is invaluable. We look forward to seeing you!
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Jennifer Delorenzo, Main Street, Wenham, MA, USA